8 tips on how to study an online course

Completing a cycle can be very easy, so take advantage of this reading and pass on these tips to your students so that they can take an online course effortlessly.

Make sure that lack of concentration or lack of habit is not a problem in e-learning, and make them make the most of their studies (and with enthusiasm)!

8 tips for your students to master ‘e-learning’

At the outset, we are going to offer you some tips so that your students know how to study an online course.

On the one hand, we will talk to you about some related to the way of working. On the other hand, those related to the development of personal skills.

While it is true that e-learning offers a series of advantages over conventional education, the same flexibility it provides demands much more responsibility and planning on the part of the learners.

And, even though it is a very comfortable modality, you have to work hard, acquire online study techniques, and meet the goals set in advance.

Nothing that can’t be achieved with these tips! 

Control the learning process

That is, pursue metacognition.

In short, it is a skill of self-motivation, initiative, and responsibility that students must develop when studying, and that will lead them to reflect on how and what they learn.

Manage time

Likewise, not knowing how to manage time is like studying an online course without a computer.

That is, students must plan their hours well to be able to combine training with the rest of their daily tasks.

So, if you work or have a family to take care of, you will need to make a study plan before starting and try to follow it strictly.

Participate and work collaboratively

To take advantage of online training, your apprentices must know how to work in groups and do so using the learning method.

In other words, they must use current technological tools to open themselves to knowledge and colleagues.

When studying remotely, teamwork is, perhaps, a little more difficult to establish. Because they do not have the opportunity to talk and meet their colleagues in person.

Therefore, it will be better that, from the beginning, you help students empathize with the class.

In this regard, there are some dynamics to break the ice, also known as icebreakers, that you can use in the classroom to break down embarrassment and bring them closer with subtlety.

At the same time, it would be great if you stipulated activities that encourage this participation by making use of the different channels that e-learning platforms provide for this purpose (chat, messaging, forum…). 

Set your own goals

In the same way, they must be able to set goals, beyond earning a degree or an official certificate.

Specifically, they have to set objectives on how to study an online course (and, thus, it will be easier for them to prepare, follow, and comply with the study plan that we discussed).

Therefore, make sure that they are attentive to their agenda and timing and know when they have to hand in assignments or take exams.

Additionally, suggest that they create a schedule in which they plan what topics or points they will study each day.

Know how to express yourself in writing

As it is a distance course, the way to communicate with the rest of your classmates or with the tutor is usually through chats, blogs, forums, or emails.

Therefore, they must know how to communicate what they want to say through written text. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to work in a group and clarify doubts.

Follow community standards

An e-learning platform is like a small social network.

Just as in a classroom, there are rules, such as speaking time or respect for classmates, there are also these on platforms.

Indeed, they do not seem as clear as in face-to-face teaching, but in this type of learning, the respect of those who access the courses is understood.

Interact with the teacher

In face-to-face training, many students choose to go unnoticed and are not able to ask the teacher their questions. They even try to clear up their confusion with the help of other classmates.
However, when it comes to clarifying tricky issues on the syllabus, it may be best to ask the teacher directly.
Therefore, it will be vital that apprentices set the fact of participating (without fear) through emails and in live classes as a priority challenge.
It doesn’t matter what channel they use, as long as they come up and take control of their studios.

Study the theory in advance

Likewise, they must study and understand the theoretical blocks before class.

Although it is true that e-learning prioritizes the practical part more and allows the course to be adapted to the needs of the students ( adaptive learning ), it does not mean that the theoretical load does not play an important role. Of course, you have to dedicate time to it!

The student must do it on their own to take advantage of most of the class hours on more decisive matters.

For this reason, it is vital that, beforehand, they read the theory well and, above all, understand it, to be able to face the practical cases in the best possible way.

Influence of the environment on online study techniques

As we have been commenting, e-learning requires students to know how to manage their time, have strong motivation, and have self-discipline to complete their distance courses.

Likewise, students, teachers, and course developers must row in the same direction to be able to positively focus their studies and ultimately achieve the established objectives.

For this reason, regardless of the e-learning strategies you follow to achieve your goals, it will be crucial that you pay special attention to the environment. This will be decisive in the direction of the course.

The ideal environment to study with the e-learning method

Of course, the study place must be a place where your students feel comfortable, calm, and without distractions since these destroy concentration and productivity in seconds.

The mobile phone, without going any further, is an interesting resource for learning inside and outside the classroom ( m-learning ), although it is still a great interference if it is used for other things.

In this sense, activating the ‘Do not disturb’ mode on your smartphone can be a good suggestion.

At the same time, remind your students that family and friends must respect study hours and not interrupt them while they are being held.

The right learning platform

How to study an online course without a good learning platform?

You already know that e-learning makes it possible for a student to manage their learning autonomously.

But how can you set your pace if the training environment is not friendly to you, but rather a burden that completely breaks your calendar?

In this sense, it would be good for you to know how the educational platform works in detail and do what you can so that the learners understand and use it perfectly.

Naturally, if they find this space comforting and easy to use, they will achieve their training objectives with pleasure and as soon as possible.

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