Rapid Learning what it is and why it works

Rapid Learning, in its purest sense, refers to the learning process that seeks to be fast and effective. However, depending on the context in which it is used, it may refer to the online learning content development methodology (Rapid E-learning).

Although both terms speak of ‘speed’ and ‘efficiency’, learning itself is one thing, and content creation, the subject of this post is another.

Next, we will explain why Rapid Learning is useful for companies that need agile, updated, quality, and, above all, fast corporate training.

What is Rapid Learning

In essence, Rapid Learning is a technique that allows you to create content quickly and beneficially. It means greatly streamlining the process of creating an online learning course to generate it in the shortest time and with the minimum cost.

The idea is to use existing standardized resources and processes, in addition to unifying the instructional and multimedia design stages to achieve efficient and fast content production.

In this way, more structured, interactive, and attractive e-learning materials can be developed, which in turn favors the understanding and retention of the study topics.

Rapid Learning uses rapid creation tools that speed up course development. This technique is especially suitable for organizations that want to conduct timely and cost-effective training.

By using these tools, it is easier to create content in a short time and with less effort, allowing you to quickly adapt to training needs and offer enriching learning experiences for students.

It should be noted that Rapid Learning is not the same as microlearning.

The first refers to how the training product is built, its tools, and methodologies. Instead, the second points to the material itself, to how it is presented in small doses.

Of course, the two approaches can complement each other, since they share the intention of providing intensive, brief, and motivating training.

How are the contents made in Rapid Learning?

As we said, Rapid Learning is a method of creating educational content that focuses on the integration of the instructional and multimedia design stages in a single production process.

This means that work is carried out on the development of all the content simultaneously, thereby accelerating the creation and implementation of the courses.

But how can we shorten the times?

In any case, there are two points to highlight about the design of the content.

On the one hand, it must be student-centered and adapted to their needs and preferences. Hence the importance of evaluating it previously with the students.

And, on the other hand, the content must be responsive so that it can be consumed through different devices and screens.

Advantages and disadvantages of Rapid Learning in online training

Why does Rapid Learning work and what are its benefits?

The volume of information on the Internet and the speed with which it is disseminated have generated a demand for ‘immediacy’ on the part of users. In other words, now we want ‘everything’ without having to wait.

Faced with this panorama, Rapid Learning becomes a way to accelerate the process of generating and updating content so that it is available in real-time and wherever. Thus, companies can meet this requirement for quick access to information and provide their team with a satisfactory learning experience.

Therefore, one of the most significant advantages of Rapid Learning is time savings, since training can be completed in a matter of weeks or days.

Another asset is profitability. Unlike traditional learning or conventional e-learning, it is usually more affordable.

What’s more, the fact of being able to reduce the time and costs of developing the material or updating it promptly makes Rapid Learning an interesting solution for organizations, even with limited budgets.

Lastly, Rapid Learning can increase student engagement and performance. In particular, due to the use of various techniques, such as the aforementioned microlearning, and others that make learning more stimulating and profitable.

Disadvantages of Rapid Learning

First and foremost, there is the risk that the content created lacks depth or quality. That is to say, this immediacy in the development process made quantity prevail, with the danger of neglecting the personalization of the content.

Additionally, overreliance on authoring tools can lead designers to create generic content that does not meet students’ learning needs.

Likewise, the intoxication of the process itself could compromise the interactive nature of the course and hinder the student’s active participation in the learning process.

On the other hand, although Rapid Learning seems like a cheaper option in the short term, it may not be so economical in the long run. In a constantly changing world, methodologies quickly become obsolete and must be updated frequently.

Overcoming the Challenges of Rapid Learning

To prevent content from losing depth and quality, instructional designers must devote time and attention to the planning and design of the material.

The good thing is that to facilitate this work, tools, and apps have been developed for the creation of e-learning content that helps build enriching experiences with little effort and in the blink of an eye.

Once designed according to the needs, and characteristics of the students and learning objectives, the content must be carefully reviewed and evaluated before publication.

Then, in order not to put interactivity at risk, it is necessary to use tools and technologies that allow the active participation of the student, such as debate forums, among others. A clear structure and navigation should also be shown so that the student can find the study tools and resources without difficulty.

Finally, Rapid Learning can be made not expensive in the long run, if a platform with editing and updating functions for the materials is used. For example, one that allows you to build the course into independent modules and modify the content separately.

How to achieve a successful implementation of Rapid Learning?

Of course, one way to improve worker training and increase company productivity can be Rapid Learning. But, before implementing it, there are a series of aspects to consider.

That is, knowing well the tools and methodologies included in this approach to be able to implement them correctly. For example, e-learning standards, agile methodologies, or the e-learning platform, among others.

This method is not suitable for all departments and areas, as certain tools may not meet quality and complexity requirements.

Therefore, it is crucial to identify the areas in which training is needed and to what extent.

If keeping this data in mind, you decide to implement Rapid Learning, be well-informed about the process, and seek expert help to carry it out effectively.

Rapid Learning: examples in corporate education

There are numerous examples of Rapid learning, as many companies and consultancies opt for this agile approach instead of developing long-term courses that could take months to create and require many resources.

Mostly, we talk about training courses for new employees, leadership, recycling, or training on product or service launches.

Let’s take the latter as an example. Specifically, an online course on the evolCampus e-learning platform to introduce a new product to a company’s sales force.

To begin with, the course will be divided into modules covering all product features, sales techniques, and marketing strategies.

Each module, in turn, will be provided with multi-format content (text, graphics, videos, and audio) of short duration and easy assimilation to maintain interest and make it more enjoyable.

Additionally, monitoring and evaluation activities will be included to measure understanding of the material and assess the success of the training while it is in progress and at the end.

Then, as the platform already has spaces for discussion and communication, employees will be able to interact with each other and with the trainers, sharing their doubts and experiences.

In this way, the course will not only be an opportunity to learn about the new product but also a way to encourage collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and opinions within the organization.

As a result, the company will achieve greater information retention, faster implementation of the new product in the market, and a more trained and motivated sales team.

As it is a tool-packed cloud platform, not only will the company be able to create and launch its courses in a short period, but the sales team will be able to access it online and complete it, at their own pace, in the desired schedule.

The e-learning platform for Rapid Learning success

From the example given, you can deduce that to do Rapid Learning the platform you are going to use must integrate some minimal features and tools.

First of all, it must allow the creation and upload of learning content (videos, infographics, audio…) that contribute to more dynamic and understandable learning.

It must also have evaluation and monitoring tools, such as questionnaires, tests, or exams, and analysis instruments that allow measuring the progress of the students and the effectiveness of the methodology.

To promote collaborative learning and constant feedback, the platform must offer different ways of collaboration and interaction between students and tutors or teachers and between students.

At evolCampus, in addition to what is mentioned, you will find a flexible learning environment, adapted to the schedules, study rhythms, and needs of the students. And, without a doubt, a great ally to implement Rapid Learning in your company and increase its competitiveness.

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